You don't always have to learn the hard way

Why do I need Business Coaching?


If you’re in the early stages of your business adventure, there’s a lot to learn and business coaching can change your life.

Many businesses fail in the first 2 years, simply because people don’t understand the “business of doing business.” Many founders, while experts in their field, struggle with the business element. The thing that inspired them to start a business, becomes secondary to what they don’t enjoy i.e. running a business. Learning the skills required will increase confidence and greatly enhance the chances of success. It will also make the whole thing less stressful, and more enjoyable.

Millions of people commit their hard earned cash to business ventures without any understanding of how to do business. In many cases, had they taken expert advice, they either wouldn’t have started out, or they’d have done things a whole lot differently.


Others work in small businesses, and are entirely self taught. There isn’t the support and expertise which you’d have in a bigger company. They get things done, but could be so much more successful with some professional help. Working with an experienced business coach will give you the skills and knowledge needed to become more effective and enjoy doing business; it can prevent you from making expensive mistakes, and help you push on to another level.

We’re confident you’ll be surprised at how affordable it can be. We’re sure the value you receive will be many times more than your investment.


Successful people call for help when they need it, and business coaching is an invaluable way of growing business acumen quickly. Here are some of the benefits that your coach will bring to you;

  • Accountability – even the boss needs this
  • Be someone who listens, and who you can trust
  • Will tell you the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable
  • Give you a solid grounding in all the important business topics
  • Help you to think differently about finding solutions
  • Get you out of fire-fighting mode and seeing the bigger picture
  • Establish solid foundations to build on
  • Massively enhance your chance of success
  • Help you kick on to new levels of achievement
Bigger Picture Solutions Scotland Business Coaching

What can we help you with?

We have coaching modules that will build a good level of understanding of all the main functions of business. Depending on your individual needs and level of experience we build specific programmes to suit you, so we can dig as deep as you like depending on the stage you’re at. Here are some of the main things we can help you with;


You can click on the links below for a bit more information on these.

How does it work and how much will it cost?

You’ll be surprised how affordable it is. We can build a programme for less than the cost of employing 1 person on national living wage. We start with a FREE introductory session to get to know each other, establish that we can definitely help you, and that we both feel we can work together. We’ll discuss your business, establish what you’d like to achieve, and from there work out the cost of a suitable programme. We’re confident that coaching will deliver massively more value than the cost of your investment.

Click below for more information


Having a clear business strategy and a simple plan to deliver it sounds obvious. Its amazing how many businesses, even mature ones, actually don’t have either. Busy with the day job, lost in the detail, it’s a commonly neglected areas for many businesses. And yet it doesn’t have to be complex or difficult. A professional coach will help you improve efficiency, creating time for you to work on where your business should be going. Building a simple but effect strategy will transform your results and your future.

Preparing business plans

Having properly prepared business plans, and being able to present them effectively is fundamental to every business. In meeting with the bank, potential investors or any external stake-holder it’s critical for credibility that there is clear, well thought out and professionally presented business plan.

Having a written plan is also one of the first steps to creating accountability in any business.

Securing Funding / Investor Readiness

Securing funding and getting the right investors for your business is hugely important and could be key to your success. Understanding the different kinds of funding available is important. Knowing how investors think, and what’s important to them is critical knowledge. Being investor ready with your strategy and plan well prepared will greatly increase your chances of achieving this.

Managing Rapid Growth

Most people would think of rapid growth as a “high class problem” but if it’s not properly planned for it could be the rock on which you perish. Rapid growth often brings huge operational and financial challenges to a business. Understanding these in advance and having a well thought through plan will help you avoid letting your customers down, or even having a financial disaster.

Financial Planning

We all know the old saying – CASH IS KING. Most business that fail, do so because they run out of cash. Being able to produce accurate financial forecasts is critical from day one. Understanding cash flow and the factors that influence it is absolutely fundamental to survival. Understanding the things you need to be on top of and how to maintain the right level of visibility is key in every business.

Sales & Marketing

We’ve heard it so many times – “if we just had more sales.” Sales create the cash and so is the life blood of every business. Building successful sales strategies to ensure not only the right volume of sales but also the right quality is really important. Building high quality “margin mix” is key to every good business. Having the right mix of markets, sectors, customers and products is all highly important in having a well balanced and sustainable business.

Operational Challenges

Getting the operation ticking over like a well oiled machine never seems easy to achieve. Building the right operational dashboard and having visibility of the key activities is key to any operation. With good visibility, it’s much easier to implement good performance management and drive a well performing operation.

Efficiency Improvement

Efficiency and lean are often associated with manufacturing but every business can learn to do it. Everything we do in business is either adding cost, or adding value. Lean is quite simply the removal of non value add activity and can be applied to every function across any business. Learning to recognise and remove activity that’s not value adding can release amazing amounts of time and resource that can be re-focused on other things and save money.


►   Bring Accountability

►   Be someone who will listen and who you can trust

►   Will tell you the truth even when it’s uncomfortable

►   Teach you to think differently about your business

►   Help you see the “bigger picture” and get out of fire fighting mode

►   Share years of knowledge and experience in practical advice

►   Help make every part of your business more efficient

►   Help you build the business you aspire to have


“I’ve worked with Andy on a number of occasions both at Young’s and Dawnfresh Seafoods. Andy is a very effective and astute leader. He is quick to identify operational improvements to add value to a business and delivers change in a manner which takes the whole team with him. He’s not afraid of making tough decisions and is a delight to work with”

Lesley Alexander – MD Smarts Communication